Online Courses

Holistic Sleep Academy

holistic sleep academy™️

The 8-week self-guided holistic sleep improvement course to help you BREAK FREE from chronic sleep struggles like insomnia, and learn how to ditch the sleeping pills for good.

Based on the core principles of CBT-I, this is your step-by-step roadmap to achieving quality sleep without medication.

NOW ENROLLING! Start improving your sleep TONIGHT.

Night Owls Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Nite Mode™️

The 8-week self-guided course for night owls and delayed sleepers.

The first-of-its-kind to help you manage + optimize your delayed sleep phase.

CPAP Sleep

Make CPAP Sexy™️

The DIY solution for CPAP adjustment help and troubleshooting.

Another first-of-its-kind course to help you get used to your CPAP machine for optimal sleep apnea treatment.

Please note: Courses are available worldwide and are for educational and informational purposes only. They are not a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Feel free to contact Dr. Sarah with any questions.